Who lives in an HOA? Public officials take notice

My initial look into the CAI sponsored homeowers association satisfaction survey conducted by Zogby revealed the following.  The comparisons are based on the 2007 survey sample and the US Census data of 2000.



1.                  The sponsor of the survey, not Zogby who conducted the survey, was a CAI division, Foundation for Community Association Research.  “The Foundation supports Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national organization dedicated to fostering vibrant, competent, harmonious community associations.”  CAI  PR VP Frank Rathbun is also a VP of the Foundation.


2.                  The selected sample of some 709 telephone calls, which came from, “Samples are randomly drawn from telephone CDs of national listed sample.”  I’m not sure what “national list sample” really means.  You can buy telephone directory CDs, but this national sample tag is questionable.  In any event, if one accepts the survey as valid, then

  a.      About 61% were 50+ reflecting increasing potential problems with retired people dealing with compulsory fees. (There are no “tax” breaks for medical or old age; inadequate reserves.)  US Census data for 2000 shows 27.3% of the total population are 50 and over.

b.      College and post-grad made up 68% of the survey.  (US Census shows 24.4% or, if “some college is included,  86% in HOAs vs 51.8% in US).

c.      Minority groups were only 11% of the sample.  The 2000 US Census shows a total 24.8% for Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino.

d.      Incomes of over $50,000 comprised 79% of the respondents.  US Census shows 41.9% with incomes over $50,000).

e.      A tabular look: 


HOA Survey US Census
Age 50+ 61% 21%
Education: college + / some college 68% / 86% 24.4% / 51.8%
Minority 11% 24.8%
Incomes over $50,000 79% 44.9%



While further analysis is being performed, the above seems to indicate a class structuring of Americans between the “Haves” living in HOAs, and the “Have-nots” living outside the HOA. Furthermore, if the “Have-nots” rent within an HOA, they are considered second-class citizens within the HOA.  Yet, HOAs were sold to government officials and the people under the banner of “affordable housing”.


Today, this class structuring is being conducted by more and more local municipalities with their mandatory HOAs for new developments.   Based on CAI estimates and US Census data, the percentage of people estimated to be living in an HOA in 2000 is 16.1%, which is higher than either the Black or Hispanic minority group percentages.

The CAI survey details can be found at Survey.

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"The Voice for HOA Constitutionality". I have been a long-term homeowner rights authority, advocate and author of "The HOA-Land Nation Within America" (2019) and" Establishing the New America of independent HOA principalities" (2008). See HOA Constitutional Government at http://pvtgov.org. My efforts with HOAs took me to a broader concern that was deeply affecting the constituionality of HOAs. Those broad societal and plotical concerns caused me to start this new blog for my commentaries on the State of the New America.

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